Texas Mother of 3 Left with $2 Million Covid Bill / Covid Blog Part #1 May 7, 2022Get the vaccine. Wear the mask. Do whatever you need to, to protect yourself. No loss is greater than the loss of your life.
Why coconut soy candles? Part 3 May 4, 2022What Are Wax Blends? We’ve mentioned “blends” or “wax blends” a few times in this article and mixing different waxes is nothing new in the world of candle making. But...
Why coconut soy candles? Part 2 April 27, 2022Now that you know all about Coconut Wax, let’s take a look at the other types of wax that you might have heard of when making candles. The most popular...
Why coconut soy candles? Part 1 April 21, 2022Coconuts are widely known as superfoods and some even consider it as the “fruit of life.” You can even survive on a deserted island with just eating coconut meat and...